The below picture was taken yesterday. It made me think a lot about businesses, about brands, about us.
I know I already tweeted it but its crazy that all ‘icons’ have the ability to fall. A brand like Bestbuy to close doors because no one is shopping there. Now, I do not believe retail is dead. I believe that brands that don’t change with the times die. Bestbuy for example, is the same shit as every other store. They havn’t changed anything for anyone - so people find an easier way to shop and buy.
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What do we want out of our lives. Is it legacy? Is it to become an icon? Is it to make change? is it to do none of the above?
What is our purpose? We need to generate a higher goal to always be driving towards.
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PS Somedays I don’t know what I’m driving towards, i’m just going.
Always keep going.