Last night, I was sitting around talking about what I do for a living and more so why I do it.
It was clearly thought provoking because I woke up this morning thinking about it. I walk referencing that unique feeling I get whenever I see a product I’ve designed or worked on out in the real world.
I recalled my first experience: At an airport a couple years after starting the job (note: you design 18 months in advance of it hitting shelves), and this old man is sitting in one of those chairs, but by the isle. I remember doing a double take as I talked by. Then I turned around and hung out in his vicinity for a few minutes hoping he would kick his shoe up or something.
I needed to see the sole. I needed to see my art.
Eventually I went up to him, and although very awkward, asked him to turn his shoe and lift up his sole so I could take a photo of it.
(Aside: I just hunted through all 20,000 photos on my iphone to look for this exact photo and I couldnt find it)
That feeling, I don’t think ill ever lose. As long as I work in product, or footwear. Thats the reason why I do my job. It’s not cause it’s a job, it’s cause its more than that to me.
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Honestly, it was a really good conversation to have. We all get caught up in this rat race of life and forget why we are in the situations we are in.
Haven’t thought about it in a while. This was nice.