We have two choices in everything we do - to be positive or to be negative.

There’s no way (that I’m aware of) to be 100% positive all the time, but there are definitely people who project negativity all the time. And those people are so incredibly toxic it will make you become more negative.

I’m learning how to cut those people out, slowly. It’s definitely a process but making me so much happier and less of a stress ball. I still unfortunately have to consume the content those people project, but I dont let it affect me as much.

Methods on how to cut that out of your life:

  • I don’t respond to those peoples emails, texts, calls, snapchats or dm’s (and that goes against me saying I respond to every DM)

  • Change the subject

  • Say you have something else to take care of and walk away

  • Straight up tell them that you no longer want a relationship with them

Now, the last one is the most extreme - short term pain, equals long term happiness.

Fuck them - worry about yourself.

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Have a lovely Sunday.


