Feeling happy to have been able to enjoy this 3 day weekend - - I know not everyone had the opportunity to get today off, some people worked all weekend instead.
As I sit here on my couch with only a handful of hours left on the clock before I go to bed and wake up back in the midst of an incredibly busy work week, I feel ultimately refreshed.
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It really begs the question of why we don’t offer a 4 day work week to re-energize our employees to work harder during the 4 days versus slowly dragging through a 5 day work week?
Or, if we did that would it just become the new norm and then after a while we would complain about that too?
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I’ve really been thinking a lot about mentality lately. Moreso thinking about consistantly looking or finding a positive in any situation. Call it blind optimism if you will, but it really makes for a better headspace in a world of negativity.
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Hope everyone is enjoying life.